I want to show you, step by step, how to build a real web application using Flask (a Python-based web microframework) and how to run it on AWS Lambda (Amazon's 'serverless' cloud function service).

Flask on Lambda is a great, inexpensive option for applications that need to auto-scale quickly and/or have extremely bursty usage (for instance, a reporting tool that is only used on the first of every month, or an application that only accepts submissions for small windows of time throughout the year). It's also a wonderful option for people who want to deploy quick one-off web apps that can stay up indefinitely with no monthly cost if only a few hundred people are using them (and potentially cost only a few dollars if a million people are using them).

To show you how this works, I'm currently writing a book that covers both the Flask and AWS aspects of such a web application. The book will show you how to build a complete Python web application that is actually deployable and usable. Many books skimp on the details of their toy applications, whereas I want to demonstrate how to build a real (albeit simple) application from start to finish. All the source code will be available for those people who purchase the book.

If this sounds valuable to you, please to sign up for the Compelling Python email list to get notified when the book is available (and other site news):